To get the benefits of facebook marketing such as increased brand advocacy, lead generation, and general traction for your brand, you first need to set a goal and make a few tests to see if using Facebook as a brand channel is right for you, utilizing the information below.
Common success metrics for social media are user engagement and quality leads.
The top four methods for having success with Facebook are:
1. Posting specifically interesting/useful to your audience content
2. Acquiring leads with relevant promotions such as Sweepstakes, Contests, and Coupons, and
3. Engaging back with your brand and community through replying to posts or messages.
4. Facebook's targeted advertising
A simple way for creating useful and engaging content: writing answers to frequently asked questions.
To get your fans to take action such as signing up to an email list include a call to action. Use a link to your email opt in page, and an interesting related image. For example, a photo of the product or service the email opt in page provides.
To keep a post evergreen, post your status then scroll over the status and in the upper right click "Pin to Top."
With a simple Post Contest, you can generate engagement by making a post that says something like: "What's your favorite song? One random person who comments on this post today will receive a free download my new Album."
With our Sweepstakes App, you can generate email leads by creating a giveaway that's related to your product or services, and use it as the incentive for users to provide their email. You can setup a Sweepstakes app with us - To get people to visit your tab, you would post your share url to your Facebook page with an engaging headline and photo, taking care to warmly reply to comments.
Facebook Advertising
We've written a short article on Facebook advertising here.